If you live in Michigan, you know that severe storms and tornados can occur at any time and when you are least expecting it. Take the time to browse the Michigan tornado facts below:
- There is an average of 16 tornados in Michigan every year.
- Between the years of 1950-1998 there have been 867 tornados which caused 239 deaths.
- Most tornados occur in April-July between the hours of 3pm-7pm.
- The average tornado is grounded less than 10 minutes and travels about 5 miles, extreme cases have been known to be grounded for an hour and travel more than 100 miles.
- The typical tornado as it touches the ground averages 200 to 400 yards, averaging winds of 71-125 mph in Michigan.
Don’t wait any longer! Check out our storm shelters systems which include above ground AND below ground models. Order your tornado shelter today!